Wiqar Avais
Senior Partner/CEO/Chairman - Board of Partners
Wiqar Avais, a UK qualified FCA, has been in the profession for nearly 4 decades and has accumulated a substantial quantum of experience in the field of risk assessment, audit and assurance, financial advisory, organizational re-structuring, capacity building and project management at the national as well as the international level.
He is the Senior/Managing partner of RSM Avais Hyder Liaquat Nauman, a firm founded iby him back in 1977 in the Sultante of Oman. The firm has steadily grown to become one of the top 10 firms in the country. He chairs the Board of Partners, being responsible for the management and strategic direction of the firm at the national level.
Wiqar believes that the strength of the firm is in its ability to deliver quality services in a timely and responsive manner catering to the individual need's of each client effectively.