The age-old adage of a picture being worth a thousand words rings true to the revolutionary work that Canberra’s Gravity Consulting has pioneered and is fast becoming renowned for around the world.

The challenge
Gravity Consulting Chief Executive Officer Kailash Krishnamurthi had been consulting to government for more than a decade when the recurring issue of strategies gathering dust on shelves, led to the company’s launch in 2012.
With support from Kailash’s business partner, Stephen Hayes MBE, the forward-thinking firm employs a global team of movie directors, animators, software engineers, special effects artists to bring lifeless Word and Powerpoint strategy documents to life mainly for the public sector. The creative solution has caught the attention of more than 50 federal and state government agencies including the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Department of Health and Department of Finance who are now users of the StrategyDotZero platform.
The innovation
StrategyDotZero is an enterprise platform which leverages artificial intelligence, experience design, and an integrated strategy execution framework to quickly translate broad visions and ideas to operational service and business models.
It allows staff from junior through to executive public servants to understand how trivial tasks such as logging data or populating spreadsheets contribute directly to the department’s objectives.
“People are far more receptive to communication that blends multiple channels and experiences which make it easier to digest,” says Kailash.
RSM’s Andrew Sykes who has significant experience in advising technology-based companies and those looking to make digital transformations says what Gravity has done really well is to choose the space they want to compete in and developed a solution to a challenge that has plagued the sector for decades.
“Kailash, Stephen and the team are changing the way we view corporate information systems and the ability to bridge the gap between strategy and execution in real time. When the company started this journey lots of people told that that the creation of an Enterprise Resource Planning platform was too big a job for a little company. But with careful planning, great vision and good management they have achieved it. This is reflected in them winning the 2017 Consensus Software Awards.”
Andrew has been advising Gravity throughout their journey to-date.
The future
The ground-breaking platform has been recognised as an official Microsoft partner with interest from the UK, UAE, Singapore and the USA.
And with the first external version of StrategyDotZero being built for the Victorian Government this year, you don’t need to be a public servant to use it. Australians can already log in and explore the status of ICT projects in 183 agencies being rolled out in Victoria.