Acknowledgement of Country
Our Empower committee commissioned Australian artist Michelle Kickett of Wilura Designs to create this artwork that captures RSM Australia’s rich 100-year history.
In the heart of the painting, you'll find intricate symbolism representing people, signifying our national presence across six states and territories of Australia. Surrounding this vibrant centrepiece, the depiction of Perth's waterways and the Waugal-Rainbow Serpent pays homage to the local Noongar mythology of creation and journey. The outer design showcases RSM’s international growth as the 6th largest global accounting and consulting organisation, with connecting lines between the circles symbolizing the interconnectivity with our global network. It reflects the incredible journey we've embarked upon since our establishment in 1922. The chosen palette features the vibrant RSM branding colours, adding a touch of familiarity to the artwork. The piece showcases the essence of RSM's growth, both nationally and internationally, as well as our respect for local culture and heritage, having been founded here on Whadjuk Country.
RSM Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters on which we live and work.
We pay respect to Elders past and present as the custodians of their culture and continuous connection to Country.