Sustainability at RSM.
RSM recognises that its activities impact upon the environment and acknowledges a responsibility for, and a commitment to, protection of the environment.
We will comply with environmental legislation and additionally,
will commit to our continued efforts to:
Promote environmental management policies and practices at every level and in every division of the firm
Increase awareness of environmental responsibilities among staff
Minimise waste and pollution and develop and operate environmentally sound waste management procedures
Continue to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and to incorporate long term strategies for energy efficiency into planning and development.
Continue to encourage and facilitate modes of transport by staff which minimise environmental impact, and to apply environmentally friendly principles to the operation of any owned vehicles
Reduce water consumption
Promote a purchasing policy which will give preference, as far as practicable, to those products and services which cause the least harm to the environment
Avoid wherever practical, the use of environmentally damaging substances, materials and processes.
Sustainability Reporting
We are currently conducting a carbon inventory exercise across our 32 offices to assess the feasibility of other carbon neutral initiatives/opportunities and to also determine the current state of RSM Australia's sustainability data and information. This assessment will provide insights into the current state of our sustainability performance, areas of strengths and opportunities for improvement.
The results from this assessment will be used to report our sustainability performance in our first RSM Australia Sustainability Report to bring value to the firm, enhance operational excellence, as well as client experience.
Stay tuned for further information!
Nicole Mohan, National Sustainability Lead

Nicole is RSM's National Sustainability Lead and plays a key role in driving RSM’s own sustainability agenda and developing initiatives to drive the adoption of sustainable practices and values across RSM.
Beyond RSM
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, known as Beyond RSM, builds upon local office activities to enhance our overall social impact. This program maintains and promotes our companywide Corporate Social Responsibility Policy which defines the principles, ethics and values that guide RSM in its business conduct to produce a positive impact on society including environmental, social and financial impact.
ESG Services
Our national team of experts hold extensive experience across the full spectrum of ESG in various industry sectors to help your organisation on your ESG journey.