About the team

Louis Carney
Senior Manager – Indirect Tax
Michael Kielenniva
Manager – Corporate Tax

Demystifying Tax Governance: what it means for your business is the theme of our newest short video series from our Tax Specialists.

Delivered by Louis Carney (Indirect Tax Specialist) and Michael Kielenniva (Corporate Tax Specialist), the series is aimed at sharing insights and knowledge into the impact Tax Governance can have on a business’s relationship with the ATO and explore the various components for business consideration.

In addition, the duo will incorporate a range of practical advice, and welcome input into suggestions for future segment topics.


Subscribe to Demystifying tax governance - What it means for your business, is a short video series that explores the topic of tax governance – an important focus area that ATO relies on under its various compliance and assurance programs to obtain justified trust that a taxpayer has paid the right amount of tax at the right time.