Lunar New Year event
RSM in Sydney recently hosted our annual Lunar New Year event at Botanic House. It was a lovely evening with lion dancers and festivities. We wish all of our clients a wonderful Lunar Year and we hope that it brings a year full of positive transformation, growth, abundance, energy, success, and prosperity.
新春佳节之际,RSM在悉尼Botanic House举办了一年一度的庆祝活动。在这个美好的夜晚,舞龙舞狮的精彩表演为节日增添了喜庆的氛围。我们衷心祝愿各位合作伙伴们度过一个美好的农历新年,愿新的一年里,充满活力与希望,勇往直前,创造辉煌。