Breaking new ground

A report on the state and future of agtech in Australia


What's new in the Australian agtech scene? 

Innovation, opportunities and challenges.

This report is your ultimate guide to the hottest trends shaping the world of agricultural technology in Australia. If you're seeking growth opportunities, want to know the latest innovations, looking out for headwinds or even aiming to disrupt the industry, this report is your gateway to success. 

Learn how companies like GeneFlow, ORIGO, and Laconik are using agtech solutions to address farming challenges and drive innovation. 


Inside the report:

Precision Agriculture

Explore precision agriculture techniques, including robotics, automation, and targeted input usage, and how they can enhance efficiency and reduce costs for agribusiness.

Sustainable farming technologies

Unlock new methods of  reducing the environmental impact of agriculture and making it more resilient to changing weather patterns.

Data-Driven Agriculture

Gain insights into how data analytics, artificial intelligence and IoT use for precise decision-making are changing the agricultural sector in Australia.

National Leader of Technology, RSM

Mathavan Parameswaran

"With a projected market value of US$33 billion by 2027, AgTech is set to drive innovation across the spectrum of agricultural activities, from precision farming to supply chain management."

Report contributors

Thank you to the following individuals for their valuable input

Dr Darren Hughes
Keith Hay
Annie Brox

Contact us
Have a question? Please get in touch.
