Entities that have an ABN, are registered for GST, are headquartered in NSW.
The NSW Biosciences Fund (BioSF) supports the commercialisation of innovative products or systems across the biotechnology and life sciences sectors.
Preliminary applications close 30 April 2025.

The NSW Biosciences Fund offers grants of up to $2 million towards the commercialisation of innovative products or systems across biotechnology and life sciences.

Examples include industrial precincts, regional airports, tourism infrastructure, start-up hubs, research centres, workforce development services, etc.

The NSW Biosciences Fund (BioSF) supports the commercialisation of innovative products or systems across the biotechnology and life sciences sectors. These include:

  • Biomanufacturing
  • Genetic engineering
  • Synthetic biology
  • Agrifood

Key aims of the program relate to commercialisation opportunities for NSW based start-ups and businesses as well as broader social, economic and environmental benefits to NSW.

Grants range between $200,000 and $2 million. The total funding pool is $3.5 million.

Note: Successful applicants must repay the grant once they achieve an agreed revenue threshold from the product.

Entities that have an ABN, are registered for GST, are headquartered in NSW and are one of the following:

  • Australian company
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation
  • Individuals or partnerships forming a company
  • NSW public research organisation

Applicants must have an innovative product or system between Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3 and 7.

Preliminary applications close 30 April 2025.

Full applications close 17 September 2025.


Rebecca Barnes

Dr Rebecca Barnes, situated in Adelaide, serves as RSM’s National Grants Manager. Rebecca  supports organisations from start-ups to large multinationals to identify and access strategic funding opportunities. 

With a thorough knowledge of the Federal and State funding landscape, she provides tailored advice regarding Government grant opportunities and develops compelling funding applications. Get in touch with Rebecca >