The Urban Precincts and Partnerships Program (UPPP) Stream Two: Precinct Delivery provides large grants for new precincts in urban areas (capital cities).
Examples include:
- Technology, innovation and commercial precincts
- Multi-purpose community centres that combine multiple facilities and users
- Eco-industrial precincts.
The Precinct Delivery grant supports the delivery of discrete projects that form part of a planned precinct in an urban area through upgrading or extending infrastructure, or constructing new infrastructure.
Examples of precincts include:
- Technology, innovation and commercial precincts
- Multi-purpose community centres that combine multiple facilities and users
- Eco-industrial precincts.
The total funding pool is $120 million. Grants of $5 million to $50 million are available and cover up to 100% of project costs.
Note: applicants must make either a cash or in-kind contribution (e.g. land or resources) to the project.
Applicants must be:
- State and Territory government agencies or bodies
- Local government
- Universities
- Incorporated not-for-profit organisations
Projects must:
- Be located in a Greater Capital City Statistical Area
Involve delivery of components of a completed business case or precinct master plan
Involve relevant state and local government agencies/bodies
Consult relevant First Nations groups during precinct implementation.
Applications open until funding fully allocated.
Edward Day

Edward Day, based in Perth, is a Senior Manager in RSM’s Government Grants team.
Edward, a seasoned specialist in Government Grants, supports clients in preparing grant applications across various Federal and State Government programs. He offers personalised advice, devises Government funding strategies, and prepares applications for competitive grant programs.