Rick Kimberley
Srdjan Dragutinovic

Payroll and wage compliance has increasingly come under scrutiny from regulatory bodies and high-profile cases of wage underpayment are creating impacts to brand and reputation, significant liabilities and the threat of criminal offences for serious breaches.

Australia has one of the most complicated workplace relations frameworks in the world comprised of multiple layers of regulation in the form of legislated standards, awards and enterprise agreements. Add to this there is constant change to regulations, and businesses are now scrambling to ensure they are paying staff correctly.

Employee entitlements can relate to wages or salary, annual leave, long service leave, sick leave, redundancy pay, leave loading, superannuation, and other benefits and allowances. Incorrect payroll entitlements calculations may lead to potential liability arising from non-compliance with Awards and Enterprise Agreements.

This type of non-compliance usually arises through miscalculation, complexity of wage rules, timesheet recording, or configuration of payroll systems. Although the amount of under/overpayment of an employee for a year may not be material, it may be significant if there has been systematic underpayment for several years.

RSM has deep experience in assisting organisations across all sectors in wage compliance matters. We are ready to assist you in complying with payroll obligations, whether it is an initial risk assessment, an analytical deep dive and reconstruction of payroll, or assistance with remediation activities.

We have a proven track record of working successfully with clients across education, not for profit, financial services and government, providing pragmatic subject matter expertise on wage integrity matters as an advisory services partner or providing assurance on work performed internally.

- RSM brings together a multidisciplinary team with deep expertise including payroll data analytics, risk assurance, and employer services. 
​- Our approach is grounded in practical solutions and services to help you identify and address wage and payroll vulnerabilities in your business, investigate and quantify the underpayment, and provide guidance on the remediation steps that may be required. 
- Our experience allows us to work seamlessly with your legal advisors to apply obligations under awards and enterprise agreements to your historical payroll data. 
- Proven data analytics modelling approach to calculate exposure provides the assurance you need to take proactive action. Our significant experience in modelling awards and enterprise agreements means we can get to the answer more quickly. 
- Assisting you in complying going forward.


  • Repeatable
  • Defendable
  • Accurate
  • Rapid


  • Reconstructing industrial instruments such as incremental progression, leave loading and minimum engagement
  • Quantifying the impact of manual process
  • Working with complex and dynamic workplaces such as education and health


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