Perth Leading Cities Event - Perth's path to global recognition

This event will be held on Friday, 25 October 2024

Time: 7:00am - 9:15am

For more information please contact Kellee Hancock at [email protected]

We are excited to invite you to the launch of RSM Australia's Leading Cities report, Powering Perth: Perth's path to global recognition. Join us for an exclusive breakfast event with Perth’s top leaders, including the Lord Mayor of Perth, Basil Zempilas,  as we discuss how our city can leverage innovation, culture and talent to become a global powerhouse.

Learn from experts who contributed their insights and discover how innovation, arts and culture, education and hospitality can be leveraged to boost Perth's global brand and fuel its economic development.

Why attend?

  • Engaging panel discussion: Learn from industry leaders about how Perth can craft a global narrative and attract investors and visitors.
  • Interactive Q&A: Ask your questions directly to the panel and engage with top industry experts.
  • Networking opportunities: Engage with Perth’s top business leaders and decision-makers over breakfast.
