The weight on the shoulders of many business owners remains heavy, and for some it may have become an impossible burden to carry. What are their options? What does the future hold for them and their employees?

Economic uncertainty can be stressful, overwhelming and isolating. If you or your clients want support to investigate business restructure and recovery options or need liquidation advice, our team is here to help.

A personal story: Life before, during and after bankruptcy

One of our past clients, Brian Evans, declared bankruptcy in 2014. He generously shared his personal story with us and proves that you can emerge from dark times and have a positive and productive life after bankruptcy. It’s a must-watch, 3-minute clip.

Watch it now!

We hope you have enjoyed our monthly insights newsletter.         
If you have any feedback around topics you’d like us to cover in future editions, please get in touch.

Best regards,         
The Restructuring and Recovery team       


A Registered Liquidator: Your best ally in the worst times

Mitch Herrett, one of our RSM Restructuring & Recovery Partners based in Brisbane, was interviewed recently, responding to these questions:

  • What are you seeing in recent months in your day-to-day role as an insolvency professional?
  • In your experience what prompts people to put their hand up and ask for some debt management or insolvency support?
  • What signs are there that battling business owners may benefit from speaking with a Restructuring and Recovery team member?

Read Mitch’s personal responses in our latest Restructuring and Recovery blog post, by clicking the button below.


Business as usual? For many business owners, it's anything but BAU

Richard Stone, a Partner based in Sydney, has been speaking with business owners and directors who are concerned about a time when business support measures may be phased out completely.

According to a recent The Australian article, the ATO “is pulling back on the soft touch” approach to compliance that’s been used during the pandemic. 

Read our latest blog post where Richard shares his views and experience about why it’s critical that business owners understand their options now, rather than be left in the dark, wondering what to do next.





CONSTRUCTION - Safe as houses?

The current low interest rates and Australians’ ongoing love affair with residential homes and renovation has seen a surge in residential property prices.

From an outsider’s perspective, the Australian construction industry may appear to be thriving, but we know that builders from every tier of the construction sector are navigating through very challenging times.

The sector has, or is currently facing:

  • Pandemic-induced site closures in some locations
  • International supply chain issues
  • A shortage in materials, particularly timber and steel, leading to price increases in some cases and/or delays in project completions
  • Where fixed-price contracts have been entered into, profit margins are typically under pressure.



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