For the many business owners who spend too much time doing bookwork, now is the optimal time to make the switch to an internet-based bookkeeping software, known as cloud
accounting software.
One of the major cloud accounting software providers is offering their product for a cost of only $13 per month, fixed at that rate, with no contract, for as long as the subscription is held.
Depending on what software a business owner currently uses, their existing data file with all historical data can also be converted across to the online version free of charge.
To put that offer in perspective, comparable software from other providers can cost up to $80 a month.
The benefits of moving to online accounting
Apart from the significant cost and time savings, some of the other benefits of online bookkeeping software are:
Live access to your data file via the cloud accounting software
Your books can be updated wherever you can access the internet. It puts an end to the frustration of only being able to access your bookwork on one computer. Most cloud accounting software packages will allow you to access and update your books on your Mac, laptop, iPad or even a smartphone.
Simultaneous assistance
Accountants can access and review the data file at any time which allows immediate assistance to be provided, and saves the hassle of constantly e-mailing or sending files on a CD/USB drive.
Direct Import of Bank Statements - with cloud accounting
Bank statements and credit card transactions can be directly imported into your file, saving considerable time in having to type in every transaction manually. The programs also memorise various transactions. For example, once a couple of bills from Telstra have been manually coded, the program will automatically code future Telstra transactions directly to Telephone.
Always have the latest version of your cloud accounting software
Whenever a new version of the software becomes available, your file is automatically updated. Because cloud software works on a monthly subscription fee basis, software upgrades are provided at no additional cost.
Considering moving your bookkeeping to the cloud?
For many business owners making the switch to this new accounting software can be daunting, but for those who already have, bookkeeping times have substantially reduced and there have been few regrets.
Get in touch with our team to find out more.
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