31 May 2024                                                                               

ESG requirements and penetration testing are the key topics of this edition of Risk Insider. As with previous editions, we continue to explore what ESG means for your business and how to navigate its changing landscape. 

Depending on your sector, the requirements can be complicated but RSM Australia has the experts to guide you. In this edition we explore the ESG landscape in both the mining and public sectors. Achieving low carbon growth and the importance of ESG reporting – plan , prepare, and respond with RSM.

Also within the public sector, we take a look at penetration testing for government agencies. Being proactive about cyber security risks is a step many businesses should be looking at, so we’ve also included some commentary on penetration testing for the mining and financial sectors.

For the agribusiness sector, this month we have some insight on how using data analytics can help you grow and improve efficiency. But this can be difficult to access in one place, so our experts have broken it down into what you need to know to tackle it.

During periods of change in a workplace the leadership you display sets the tone for your staff. But it’s not without challenge. 

Overcoming imposter syndrome and fear of rejection are both topics explored below, as well as how to set your organisation up for success through positive leadership.


Enjoy the read of this month’s Risk Insider, and on behalf of RSM Australia thank you for subscribing to this newsletter.                                                                          
Warmest regards,                                                                                




Take Charge of Change: ESG for Mining

ESG for mining industry: How to achieve low-carbon growth in a mineral-hungry world. The global shift towards cleaner energy and innovative technologies is driving up the demand for critical minerals such as nickel, chrome, lithium, gold, platinum and copper. 


Overcoming Imposter Syndrome while leading through change

If you haven’t come across the term, Imposter Syndrome is a pervasive psychological phenomenon that can significantly impact individuals in leadership roles. To be effective in leading change through their organisation, the executive needed to overcome their Imposter Syndrome.


Penetration Testing for Government: Cyber Security Solution

Are you concerned about the cyber security risks facing your government agency? Do you want to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and manage your risk and exposure to vulnerabilities? Government regulatory requirements require penetration testing for compliance purposes and to manage risk and exposure to vulnerabilities.


Four tips for overcoming your fear of rejection when leading change

Dealing with change as a leader can be difficult but it can also be a source of personal growth. As the saying goes; "If there is no challenge, there is no change." As a leader, you know that change is inevitable and necessary for growth. 


Navigating the ESG landscape in the public sector

ESG services for the Government sector – Take charge of change. Plan. Prepare. Respond with RSM. Discover the importance of ESG reporting for the government sector with Catherine Bell, a partner of ESG and Climate Services at RSM in Perth, Australia.


Tone at the top – Setting your organisation up for success through positive leadership

The behaviour that a leader or manager walks past is the behaviour that is tolerated at the organisation. As a result, it is an all too familiar story that where there is fraud or corruption, there is often a poor organisational culture. 


Safeguard your mining operations with penetration testing

Are your mining operations exposed to cyber threats? Do not let cyber vulnerabilities undermine the bedrock of your business. Operational technology is a crucial aspect of mining, and it plays a significant role in the continuous and sustained operation of all mining companies. 


Data analytics in agribusiness

Using Data Analytics in your Agribusiness aims to help you grow and improve efficiency. Many businesses have a large amount of data available to them. However, find it difficult to access all of the data in one place. This makes it challenging for them to make important decisions for their company. 


Take charge of change: Penetration testing for the finance sector

Penetration testing lets financial organisations safely test their data security. In today's digital landscape, safeguarding sensitive data and fortifying cyber security defenses have become paramount. Data security and privacy have become a primary focus area for financial institutions, such as mortgage brokers, banks, and insurance providers. 




MyCISO SOCI | Thursday 13 June 2024

The SOCI Act changes were made to better secure critical infrastructure within Australia. One of the key areas of risk managed by the SOCI Act is Cyber.

Join us virtually as we discuss the new changes as well as hear from MyCISO how their platform can help easing the compliance burden.   

Easing the Burden of Access Governance

There are growing demands from enterprise customers to disclose not only emissions data, but broader ESG information. 

Access control issues are common when IT General Controls or Compliance reviews are performed. Hear from the RSM and Gathid teams on how to address compliance issues related to access governance while saving time and financial investment through automation.

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