Michael Watkins
Director - Melbourne

Michael Watkins is a Director in Tax Services at RSM in Melbourne.

Michael commenced with RSM as a graduate in 2010 and has been a valued member of the team ever since. 

Michael enjoys a technical challenge and has experience with a number of different clients including listed corporations, privately held groups, individuals and expatriate employees. Michael’s experience covers a wide range of tax related functions including advisory and compliance services for clients in numerous industries.

"I enjoy providing quality advice to clients. This includes looking back to see how far clients have come since I first began working with them."

Michael also has expertise in managing audits conducted by revenue authorities, such as the Australian Taxation Office and the state and territory revenue offices.

Michael enjoys all things AFL and cricket, barracking for the Melbourne Demons. 


  • Tax compliance services.
  • Tax effect accounting services.
  • Tax due diligence.
  • Strategic tax advice for all Commonwealth and State/Territory taxes.
  • Advising on and managing audits conducted by commonwealth and state/territory revenue authorities.
  • Tax Services in Melbourne


  • Tax advisory and compliance services for a range of public companies, including those in the construction industry.
  • Tax due diligence for both investors and acquirers, including various international structures.
  • Defending tax audits conducted by the Australian Taxation Office and state and territory revenue offices for a number of clients across a range of sectors.
  • Working with  many local and overseas owned businesses and groups to establish their Australian operations, including providing advice on the appropriate structure.
  • Assisting large corporate groups in the implementation of appropriate tax effective accounting solutions to streamline the preparation of calculations and their annual accounts.


  • Member, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
  • Fellow, Taxation Institute of Australia


  • Bachelor of Commerce (Monash University)
  • Bachelor of Laws (Monash University)
  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
  • Graduate Diploma of Chartered Accounting