John Findlay
Partner - Ballarat

John is a Partner in the Ballarat Audit & Assurance division.

He holds extensive audit experience and works closely with both for-profit and not-for-profit clients from the private and public sectors. 

John's passion lies in collaborating with clients to identify and address their specific challenges, ensuring that the solutions not only meet regulatory and compliance standards but also drive business success.

"I pride myself on establishing excellent relationships with my clients and delivering timely cost-effective audit and assurance services for my diverse client base. I am respected for my pragmatic and commercially based solutions to complex financial accounting and reporting issues that have arisen with my clients over the past 30 years."

With a deep understanding of industry-specific challenges and standards, he is motivated to guide clients through the complexities of financial regulations, ensuring their reporting processes are both accurate and efficient. His expertise spans across multiple industries, allowing him to provide customised solutions that align with each client's unique operational needs and strategic goals. By focusing on achieving excellence in financial reporting and adherence to regulatory mandates, he helps clients mitigate risks, enhance transparency, and maintain the highest standards of integrity in their financial practices.

Before joining RSM in Ballarat in 2016, John amassed extensive experience in various industry roles. He previously worked for the Department of Treasury and Finance on secondment from the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO). During his 14-month tenure there, John was a senior member of the Secretariat supporting the Independent Review of State Finances Panel (IFRS). Starting in April 2007, John served as an Assistant Auditor-General with VAGO, overseeing the Financial Audit Business Unit, which managed a client base of 570 and had a turnover of $20 million. Prior to moving to Victoria, John spent 24 years in the Queensland public sector, including 9 years in senior audit roles with the Queensland Audit Office. He also held the position of Audit Partner at another mid-tier firm.

Outside of work, John enjoys keeping fit through exercise and outdoor activities with his partner and adult sons. He likes to be involved in activities such as mountain bike riding, surfing, long-range target shooting, and cutting and splitting firewood. He also likes travelling within Australia in his 4WD and overseas when the opportunities permit.



Working with start-up businesses and assisting them with their implementation of cost-effective internal controls, technical accounting advice, compliance with accounting standards, preparation of financial statements that meet financial reporting and regulatory requirements and their corporate governance obligations.

Successfully assisted a large for-profit company in the manufacturing sector who had outgrown their previous external accountants and auditors with their transition to best practice in the areas of cost-effective internal controls, compliance with accounting standards, preparation of financial statements that meet financial reporting and regulatory requirements and their corporate governance obligations.

  •   UFS Dispensaries Ltd (UFS)

UFS is a mutual organisation and has been providing pharmaceutical goods and services and medical services to its members and the broader community for over 140 years. UFS operates 19 pharmacies in the western region of Victoria, as well as other business units, including UFS Medical with 3 medical centres and one Priority Primary Care Centre, 20 Supercare Nursing Services and the Peace & Quiet day spa. For the financial year ended 30 June 2023, UFS's revenue was $92.3m and net assets totalled $43.2m.  John has had the pleasure of having this client for the last 8 years and prior to that with another firm.

  •   Murray Cod Australia Limited (MCA)

MCA is based in the Riverina, New South Wales and produces premium farmed Murray cod. MCA was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in January 2017 and has been successful in expanding the business through having Murray cod sold in major Australian supermarkets and post the pandemic, re-opening export markets in the USA, Europe and Japan and has recently launched a new product, Aquna Gold Caviar. For the financial year ended 30 June 2023, MCA's revenue was $12.3m and net assets totalled $71.0 m.  John has had the pleasure of having this client for the last 2 years.


  •    Fellow, CPA Australia
  •    Affiliate Member, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ)
  •    Member, Institute of Internal Auditors (MIIA)
  •    Member, Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD)


  •   Registered Company Auditor (RCA)
  •   Registered Self-Managed Superannuation Fund Auditor
  •   Public Practice Certificate, CPA Australia


  •   Master of Business (Accountancy), Queensland University of Technology
  •   Bachelor of Business (Accountancy), Queensland University of Technology
  •   Bachelor of Laws, Queensland University of Technology
  •   Graduate Diploma in Company Secretarial Practice, Chartered Secretaries Australia