Knowing the best starting point in the digital transformation journey can be tricky as there are so many potential places to begin
Our team are experienced in Finance and Operations transformation for organisations of all sizes.
A short Digital Health Check with our experts will give us the chance to get to know your organisation and help you identify the options for moving forward efficiently and effectively with the right transformation activity.
What we do:
- Conduct a 30 minute to 1-hour complimentary Digital Health Check (Discovery Session) together with you and your RSM team, if applicable
- Get a general understanding of your business and the technology ecosystem
- Identify the key stakeholders in the business
- Understand the research or work undertaken thus far by your organisation
- Uncover the main pain points you’re experiencing now
- Identify some of the key goals and drivers behind your transformation project
Session outcome:
- A one-page high-level Red/Amber/Green (RAG) assessment for your client on the areas discussed
- Our assessment of where the client is along the digital transformation journey and recommended next steps
- A complete proposal, if requested by you or the client
Laurel Millar (Grey)
National Manager, Digital Advisory
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