Employment taxes can represent a significant impost on a business if not managed correctly.

As employment taxes become more complex and new concessions and exemptions are introduced on a regular basis, a business may find itself in a situation where it is paying too much tax or not paying the right amount of tax.

We take a hands-on approach in dealing with employment taxes to ensure a business has identified all tax savings and processes are in place to meet their employment tax obligations.

RSM can assist with managing employer taxes through:     

  •   FBT and payroll tax return preparation and review   
  •   Advice on FBT, payroll tax, and workcover implications for companies engaging employees and contractors   
  •   FBT, payroll tax, and workcover prudential reviews or 'health checks' to identify tax savings   
  •   Review and develop FBT and payroll tax policies and procedures for employers

Employment tax management also plays an important role in planning for expatriate taxation.


Rick Kimberley is the National Leader of Global Employer Services and is a Partner of the Tax Services division in Melbourne. Rick has over a decade of employment and expatriate tax experience and specialises in taxation compliance, specifically wage compliance for listed and multi-national corporations

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