Our Canberra office celebrates Pride Month with a vibrant rainbow-inspired breakfast

RSM had the honour of sponsoring the Annual Charity Gala for SiTara's Story, a truly remarkable organisation committed to supporting women's empowerment and self-worth. This inspiring event brought together community leaders, philanthropists, and passionate supporters, all united by a common goal: to uplift and empower women.

The gala was a night to remember, featuring a beautifully decorated venue, elegant attire, and a palpable sense of camaraderie. Guests enjoyed a sumptuous dinner, live music, and inspiring speeches that highlighted the impactful work of SiTara's Story. The evening was not only a celebration but also a powerful reminder of the importance of fostering self-esteem and broadening horizons for women in our community and beyond.

SiTara's Story is dedicated to creating a world where every woman feels valued and empowered to reach her full potential. Through a range of programs and initiatives, the organization provides women with the tools, resources, and support needed to build their self-esteem and explore new opportunities. From career development workshops to mental health support and educational resources, SiTara's Story is making a tangible difference in the lives of countless women.

During the gala, several women who have benefited from SiTara's Story shared their personal journeys, illustrating the profound impact of the organization's work. Their stories of resilience, growth, and achievement moved the audience and underscored the importance of supporting such vital initiatives.

RSM's sponsorship of the gala reflects our commitment to giving back to the community and supporting causes that align with our values. We are proud to stand with SiTara's Story in their mission to empower women and foster a sense of self-worth and confidence.