ESG disclosure and the development of responsible corporate sustainability reports have become increasingly important. This is reflected in the increasing importance of ESG reporting, be it in annual reports for compliance or as a standalone sustainability report.

Investors and various stakeholders are showing a growing awareness of ESG issues and are pushing companies to be more transparent in their disclosures. These stakeholders use this information to evaluate and compare companies in their industry, which requires that a company's reporting is not only factually accurate, but also compelling in its presentation. 

Certain investors favor the inclusion of material ESG risks and opportunities in annual reports, as sustainability reports play a critical role in fostering public trust. They remain a powerful tool for companies to respond to the multitude of stakeholder requests in a single comprehensive document.

Creating a dedicated ESG report or highlighting ESG content in your annual report and accounts can be challenging. It requires careful consideration of stakeholder expectations, the reporting methodology applied and the frameworks used for this purpose.

At RSM, we are ready to assist you in preparing ESG disclosures that are both compliant and compelling while adhering to established ESG reporting standards. 

Contact us

Speak to the expert team at RSM Austria on +43 (1) 505 63 63 or submit your questions, comments, or proposal requests  and see how our unparalleled experience can help you.