Md. Nazmul Hussain Siddique

Nazmul is a Partner of Masih Muhith Haque & Co. (RSM in Bangladesh) and a Director of RSM Bangladesh Consulting Limited.

Nazmul commenced his professional journey with Masih Muhith Haque & Co., where he completed his training in 2007 and subsequently served as a Manager. 

His extensive experience extends into Information Technology, with a particular focus on software development. Nazmul actively engages in formulating strategies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for clients, alongside developing software solutions aimed at enhancing day-to-day operations and formalizing organizational systems. He excels in translating strategic planning into actionable initiatives, consistently benchmarking performance against critical operational targets and goals. His key focus is to bridge the knowledge of professional accountants with that of software engineers to provide suitable internal control solutions for businesses and their operations.

Beyond his role in the firm, Nazmul contributes as a part-time faculty member at ICAB across various levels and serves as a resource person in professional training programs both domestically and internationally.

Career Timeline:

-2007-2012-Served as Manager in the Firm

-2014-Formed and served as CEO at a software tech company

-2018-Joined the Firm as Partner

Professional Certification and Education:

-Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Bangladesh (ICAB)

-Bachelor of Commerce