Md. Saiful Islam

Saiful is the youngest Partner of Masih Muhith Haque & Co. 

Saiful specializes primarily in auditing telecom companies, manufacturing entities, and not-for-profit organizations. His involvement in auditing these sectors provides continual intellectual stimulation, requiring a profound grasp of their distinctive challenges and regulatory landscapes. He holds a pivotal role in conducting information system audits mandated by telecom regulators. Additionally, he demonstrates excellence in performing statutory audits and donor audits for NGOs and their projects. 

Beyond auditing, Saiful finds fulfilment in offering advisory services related to Financial Reporting, Regulatory Compliance, and other business imperatives to diverse stakeholders.

Saiful thrives on the multifaceted challenges and responsibilities inherent in his profession. His enduring curiosity drives him to deeply understand complex subjects and apply his knowledge across varied contexts. This passion fuels his commitment to continuously learning and meticulously addressing the diverse professional needs of his clients.

Outside of his professional endeavors, Saiful actively participates as a faculty member in academic institutions. He also finds joy in watching cricket, reading books and travelling. 

Career Timeline: 

2016-Joined the Firm as Manager

2018-Promoted to Director 

2023–Became a Partner 

Professional Certification and Education:

-Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Bangladesh (ICAB)

-Affiliate Member of Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy (CIPFA) 

-BBA and MBA from the University of Dhaka