On May 25, the resolution #8 was published with the approval of the e-Social Steering Committee for the new version of the layouts, 2.2.02, which repeals previous versions, 2.2.01 and 2.2. The resolution came into force on the date of publication.
The changes in this version were for the modification of descriptions and occurrences, changes in validation and writing, as well as corrections of conditions in the events of Employer Information, Schedule of Establishments, Works or Units of Public Organs, Table of Administrative and Judicial Processes , Remuneration events, Registration events, Change, Admission, Communication of Accident, Worker Health Monitoring, Termination, Unemployed Worker, Withholding Income Tax and Social Contribution Information.
The validation rule REGRA_REMUN_VALIDA_LOCAL_TRABALHADOR was excluded. This rule determined that the information of the establishment (workplace) in the event of admission should be mandatory if "Employer Insured" was indicated in the remuneration record, corresponding to a specific period of determination.
The rule REGRA_TABESTAB_VALIDA_ESTABELECIMENTO has been corrected. It was included the option of the Public Organ of the Federal Direct Administration that shall register an establishment with CNPJ of root equal to or different from the registration of the employer informed in the event of information of the Employer S-1000.
The Change Controls Layout 2.2.01 to 2.2.02 pointed to the change of occurrence in event S-1210 (Job Yield Payments), however there was no change in occurrence that remained in 0-99
Throughout its specialized team, RSM follows the tax, labor and social security legislative changes and is available to support its clients to be in compliance with the new regulation.