Nicholas Pinero
Senior Manager
Nicholas read Law at the University of Southampton, graduating in 2003, was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 2004 and that of Gibraltar the following year.
Nicholas spent the first seven years of his career in legal practice, focusing on Commercial Law and Tax for much of that time and completing his Association of Taxation Technicians (ATT) exams along the way.
In 2011, Nicholas joined an established local Financial Services provider. Originally responsible for an extensive Trust and Company portfolio, Nicholas subsequently moved to the Corporate Secretarial Team where he was eventually given responsibility for its management. In his time there Nicholas accrued extensive experience in the administration and management of Gibraltar Companies within international structures, specialising in the organisation and management of interjurisdictional restructuring projects and transactions, as well as advising on the Gibraltarian aspects of the same.
Nicholas became STEP qualified at the beginning of 2018, having received an overall Distinction grade for his efforts, as well as a prize from STEP in recognition for receiving the highest grade worldwide on the final paper he took.
In RSM, Nicholas assists the Firm’s Liquidators with their Insolvency Practice and continues to advise on Gibraltar taxation, Trust and Company Secretarial matters.
Nicholas is currently completing the Professional Certificate of Competence in Gibraltar Tax course at the University of Gibraltar.