Our services include:

Company and assets valuation

Whether you're seeking to assess the worth of your company for investment, sale, merger, or internal purposes, our expert team provides meticulous analysis and insightful recommendations tailored to your specific needs.

Financial due diligence -DD Financial

Whether you are contemplating a merger, acquisition, investment, or restructuring, our expert team provides comprehensive analysis and strategic insights to mitigate risks, uncover opportunities, and optimise value creation.

Mergers and Acquisitions -M&A

Embark on transformative growth opportunities and strategic transactions with confidence.  Our team at RSM offers comprehensive support and strategic guidance to navigate the complexities of the deal landscape and unlock value for your organisation.

Financial analysis of risks

Whether you're seeking to enhance risk management capabilities, optimise capital allocation, or comply with regulatory requirements, our team at RSM offers the expertise, insights, and support you need to navigate financial risks successfully and achieve your business objectives.

Investment business structuring

Our team empowers entrepreneurs and investors in navigating the complexities of structuring investment ventures effectively. Whether you're launching a startup, managing a portfolio, or expanding into new markets, our expert guidance ensures your business is strategically positioned for growth, compliance, and long-term success.

Restructuring and financial reprofiling

In times of financial turbulence or strategic evolution, businesses often require restructuring and financial reprofiling to realign operations, optimize capital structures, and position for sustainable growth. RSM can help with comprehensive solutions to face financial challenges, navigate uncertainties, enhance liquidity, and emerge stronger.


Do you wish to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards?

If you want to adopt Full IFRS or IFRS for SMEs, we can help you.


From choosing the reference framework that best suits your business to the right training for your staff and the adaptation of your information system, RSM can help. We know how complex the adoption and compliance of standards is for each scenario. We are prepared to implement, monitor and advise you regardless of whether you are an individual company, a group of local companies and even a group of multinational companies with multi-currency and multi-consolidation complexities. 

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