We have previously addressed the fact that the contents of corporate reporting are becoming more and more comprehensive in depicting a company’s performance, situation and strategic perspective. However, the forces driving this continuous development of the corporate reports are never explored enough! An important driving force is the International Integrated Reporting Council’s (IIRC) relentless advocating for more integrated and standardised corporate reporting. As we reported about the IIRC’s plans and ambitions a year ago, we follow up in this issue with a highly inspiring interview with Paul Druckman, CEO of the IIRC.
Also in this issue, we follow up on the accounting treatment of investment properties, with the latest insights explained by our ‘veteran’ author Simon Fisher, who shares with us his valuable expertise based on a long and successful career.
Joelle Moughanni addresses the concept of ‘materiality’ in five key questions. Her style is, as ever, very practical and to the point, allowing for immediate applicability of her explanations.
As Joelle mentions in her article, RSM has continued contributing to the global debate on the developments of IFRS by issuing comment letters and by providing technical advice to its member firms – both these activities are reported on at the end of this issue.
Enjoy your reading!