The history of RSM International began in 1964, when a small professional association was founded in the United States of America under the name of DRM, the acronym of the founders (Dunwoody, Robson Rhodes and McGladrey & Pullen).

In 1993, the organization was restructured and changed its name to RSM International, an acronym for the three firms that gave new life and international reach to the original American project: Robson Rhodes (UK), Salustro Reydel (France) and McGladrey (US). In the following years Robson Rhodes was incorporated by Grant Thornton while Salustro Reydel merged with KPMG. McGladrey is still a member of RSM in the United States.     
In January 2006, Jean Stephens became the first female CEO within the Top 10 professional networks operating globally. In June 2024 Ernest “E.J.” Nedder, formerly Partner and Chief Strategy Officer of RSM US LLP, becomes the new Global CEO of RSM.


RSM is represented in Italy by RSM Italy Tax Legal & Advisory for Tax, Legal & Advisory services.

A history that goes back a long way, since the 1960's, and which is rooted in two professional firms in Milan (Studio Gerla Associati and MGP Studio Tributario e Societario) and one in Rome (Studio L4C) which represented respectively the excellence among the firms of certified public accountants at a local level. Initially, the strategic objectives were aimed at improving the quality of the services offered in tax, corporate and consulting matters for both domestic and foreign SMEs market, as well as the development of accounting services, also in the form of full outsourcing, for the Italian subsidiaries of multinational groups that wished to maintain management accounting at their headquarters and tax accounting in the countries in which they operated.

Later, in line with the decision to join an international network, the Firms concentrated on the specialization by service line and industry and focused on an internationally active mid-market clientele. It was time to push the accelerator and it had to be done by establishing the brand and growing in size. In November 2017 the network decided to adopt the acronym RSM as Unified Global Brand and this offered Italian firms the opportunity to adopt the global brand as part of their own name.

At the same time, a project of aggregation of the three Firms in Milan, Rome and Turin took shape, aimed at establishing a unified national Firm not only from an organizational point of view but also in terms of legal entity. Consequently, at the beginning of 2018, the Firm changed its name to RSM Studio Palea Lauri Gerla, thus signalling the combination of the global brand and the national dimension.

While adopting the best practices of the network, both in terms of delivery models and processes and in the more specifically managerial aspects, the focus was on organic growth, driven by a resident marketing function, coordinated with the central marketing of the London office, and on aggregation projects with new subjects who were, by vocation, bearers of the same interests.

Hence the arrival in September 2020 of MGP, already part of the international network PKF, in the Milan structure of RSM. New partners have been appointed: certified public accountants Guido Pignanelli, Gianluca Di Fresco, Roberto Cardone, and Giuseppe Panagia. The team continues to expand with new professionals and collaborators, revenues are growing, expertise is being consolidated, and ambitions are multiplying.


From January 1st, 2022, RSM Studio Palea Lauri Gerla has changed its name to RSM Studio Tributario e Societario. This is not a simple renaming, but rather a final step in the path aimed at creating a professional firm that would progressively adopt organizational models, skills, processes and tools typical of a modern and international consulting firm.

Moreover, the new name is also the first formal act of an ambitious three-year strategic plan that will bring RSM's Italian tax, legal & advisory services into the elite of the large firms and professional networks operating in Italy.

In recent times, the process of consolidating the individual firms has been carried forward into a single national legal entity aiming in an even more agile way to achieve its ambitious growth objectives while always in the wake of the values that represent RSM: specialized skills, international profile, listening skills, focus on business and real economy and growing attention to ESG issues.

In May 2023, the integration of Leb Legal Advisory was finalized, a legal boutique specializing in commercial and corporate law consulting. Following this operation, Attorney Luca Emanuele Baldoni became a partner at the Milan office, strengthening the firm’s legal services in a historical context of growth and consolidation in tax, accounting and corporate advisory. 

Effective October 1, 2024, RSM Studio Tributario e Societario further consolidates its growth by incorporating Studio Cocchi & Associati, one of the most historic professional firms in the Milan area. As a result of this operation, the professional team welcomes three new partners: certified public accountants Federico Cocchi, Maria Lucia Di Tanna, and Carlo Zambelli and skills in tax and legal consultancy and assistance for private and individuals are consolidated, with particular expertise in the Trust institution.

In conjunction with the merger with Studio Cocchi, RSM Studio Tributario e Societario, recognizing the need to reflect its areas of expertise in its name - areas that have been strengthened by all recent integrations - also officially changes its name to RSM Studio Tax Legal & Advisory.

Today RSM's tax, legal and advisory services in Italy have a single home with new headquarters in Milan in Via Tiziano, new prestigious Roman offices in the central Via Barberini and new spaces in the center of Turin. A common home that strengthens the role and specialization of the components into which it is divided and which allows us to give an agile and modern response to the complexities of a world that continually launches new challenges. RSM Italy Tax Legal & Advisory operates through RSM Studio Tax Legal & Advisory for tax compliance and advisory and legal services and RSM Italy Accounting for accounting and outsourced services.

For the immediate future, the strategic plan of RSM Italy Tax Legal & Advisory provides an impressive territorial expansion with the opening of 3 new offices in the centre-north, which will be added to those already operating in Milan, Rome and Turin, a greater cooperation and an increase of its "weight" within the network, a growing synergy with RSM Società di Revisione ed Organizzazione Contabile Spa, a company that represents RSM in Italy for audit and assurance services, the strengthening of a digitalization process that has already brought the Firm to cutting-edge levels in the Italian professional panorama and, last but not least, a progressive sensitivity towards ESG issues both internally, with new behavioural and HR management models based on sustainability, equal opportunities, inclusion and welfare, and externally, with the development of an integrated offer of ESG services in favour of its own clients.


Merger Legal Italia StA - Studio TLA

Merger STA - Notarial certification of the Shareholders' resolution done

Merger STA

Notarial certification of merger with Studio Cocchi and firm name change

Merger Studio Cocchi - Notarial certification of the Shareholders' resolution

Merger Studio Cocchi

Merger 2023

Merger 2023 - Extraordinary Session

Merger 2023 - Notarisation