• Prepare timeline with expected dates when particular documentation will need to be prepared in order to meet statutory deadlines for tax and statistic reports;
  • Review supporting documentation for purchases in order to meet local tax requirements for VAT and CIT purposes;
  • Calculation of all required taxes and preparation of tax reports in accordance with Kazakh legislation for the client’s approval;
  • Preparation of a tax registers;
  • Obtaining of the list of due statistic reports and monthly check of reports on the web site of statistic agencies;
  • Preparation of statistic reports and National Bank reports;
  • Assistance in tax payments to the budget;
  • Provision of tax reports after submission in electronic form;
  • Update of tax keys;
  • Communication with the tax authorities regarding notifications and requests;
  • Assistance in cross check tax audits during the service period;
  • High level update of tax policy due to changes in tax legislation (not more than 10 hours per year) in case we will develop tax policy;


Contact us by phone    
Т: +7 727 325 55 55    
М: +7 701 734 57 86    
or submit your questions, comments, or proposal requests.