Fast facts
We have firms in 120 countries and are in each of the top 40 major business centres throughout the world
We have combined staff of over 65,000
We have over 900 offices across the Americas, Europe, MENA, Africa and Asia Pacific
With over fifty years of professional experience, RSM Lebanon is among the largest professional tax, audit, and legal advisory firms in Lebanon. Founded in 1965 by our CEO Farid Gebran, a longstanding member of the Lebanese Association of Certified Public Accountants, RSM Lebanon offers our clients a wide variety of tax, audit, risk and legal advisory services.
RSM Lebanon is a member firm of the RSM network. RSM is the seventh largest network of independent audit, tax and consulting firms, encompassing 120 countries, 900 offices and 65,000 people internationally. The network’s global revenues are US$9.4 billion.
As an integrated team, RSM shares skills, insight and resources, as well as a client-centric approach that’s based on a deep understanding of its clients’ businesses. This is how RSM empowers them to move forward with confidence and realise their full potential.
RSM is a member of the Forum of Firms, with the shared objective to promote consistent and high-quality standards of financial and auditing practices worldwide.
RSM is the brand used by a network of independent accounting and advisory firms each of which practices in its own right. RSM International Limited does not itself provide any accounting and advisory services. Member firms are driven by a common vision of providing high quality professional services, both in their domestic markets and in serving the international professional service needs of their client base.
For more information, visit, or search for RSM on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
RSM Talent
RSM Lebanon consists of a loyal and devoted staff comprised of the best minds in the industry. With over fifty years of professional experience, our success and continued growth is contingent upon the members of our workforce which is made up of highly-specialized & professional auditors, certified public accountants, and lawyers who have highly-extensive experience in their respective areas of expertise. Moreover, not only do our employees have comprehensive practical experience in their fields, but every one of them holds advanced degrees & technical certifications and has deep theoretical knowledge based on international standards in auditing, accounting, and law.
In the end, our highly dedicated staff is what underpins the success of our company and we are proud of our recruitment process that has brought to us such passionate, committed, and highly-qualified personnel that go above and beyond expectations to serve our company and its clients.
RSM Lebanon
RSM Lebanon is a member of the RSM network and trades as RSM. RSM is the trading name used by the members of the RSM network.
Each member of the RSM network is an independent accounting and consulting firm, each of which practices in its own right. The RSM network is not itself a separate legal entity of any description in any jurisdiction.
The RSM network is administered by RSM International Limited, a company registered in England and Wales (company number 4040598) whose registered office is at 50 Cannon Street, London EC4N 6JJ.
The brand and trademark RSM and other intellectual property rights used by members of the network are owned by RSM International Association, an association governed by article 60 et seq of the Civil Code of Switzerland whose seat is in Zug.