The RMCD has released a service tax guide. The salient points of the Guide are as follows: -

DisbursementThe recovery of a payment made on behalf by a claimant who is acting as an agent
ReimbursementThe recovery of a payment made on behalf by a claimant who is acting as a principal from another party 
ClaimantA registered person who recovers expenses he incurred on behalf of the customer
CustomerAny person who receives a service directly or indirectly from a service provider through a claimant
Service providerA person who provides directly or indirectly, a service to the customers through a claimant

Recovery of expenses as Principal or an Agent

To determine if a recovery of expenses is a disbursement or a reimbursement, it is important to establish whether the claimant acted as a principal or as an agent when he acquired the service from the service provider. 

When there is a written contractual agreement

When a written contractual agreement exists between the claimant and the customers. The contractual terms should indicate if the claimant incurred the expense as an agent or a principal.

Recovery of expensesTreated as service provided by the claimant to the customerNot treated as a service provided by the claimant to the customer
Recovery with mark upClaimant is treated as a principal and such recovery will be treated as a reimbursement (i.e. subject to service tax) 

When there is no written contractual agreement or ambiguous contract

Without a written agreement between the claimant customer, or where the agreement cannot identify clearly the contractual relationship, the status of the claimant shall be determined according to any of the following rules: -

Contractual liability and assumption of responsibilities and risksAcquired the services in his own name or capacityNot a party to the contract and merely arranged for the provision of services on behalf of his customer
Legal obligations to make payment or payment arrangementHas the legal obligation to make payment to the service provider for the servicesDoes not have the legal obligation to make payment to the service provider unless authorised by the customer
Alteration to the nature and value of expensesCan alter the nature or value of the services and make a decision on the value of expense to recoverNot able to alter the nature or value of services made between the customer and the third-party service provider unless authorised to do so by the customer
Identities of parties and transaction involvedThe claimant is the only party known to the third-party service provider and the customer does not know the cost incurred by the claimant on the acquisition of services from third party service providerThe third-party service provider knows the identity of the customer and the customer knows the exact cost incurred by the claimant on the acquisition of services from the third-party service provider

Service Tax Treatment on Disbursement and Reimbursements

Service tax treatmentDisbursementReimbursement
Agent or principalNon-taxable (if no mark-up)Taxable (if it relates to making a prescribed taxable service)
Agent or principal AgentPrincipal
Customer’s knowledge of serviceCustomer knows the services are provided by a service provider and not the claimantCustomer does not know the services are provided by the service provider
Amount claimed from customerExact amount is claimed from the customer and the claimant shall not alter the nature of the services or add on the value of the servicesAmount claimed from the customer may include mark-up and the claimant may alter the nature of the services or add on the value of the services
Supporting documentsCopy of invoice from the service provider is attached together with the invoice issued by the claimant to the customer as supporting documentNo supporting documents attached
Treatment of mark-upFull amount recovered is regarded as a provision of service and subject to service tax (if it relates to a taxable service being performed). The claimant would be treated as a principal as he can alter and change the value of the original service (i.e. service by the third-party service provider). However, if the service provider’s invoice is attached with the claimant’s invoice , then only the mark-up  will be subject to service tax.  


Treated as a separate service and will be subject to service tax. However, this only applies if the cost of recovery and mark up are separately itemised and the service provider’s invoice is attached when the claimant issues the invoice to the customer.

A reimbursement is ancillary to a primary service, if such recovery forms part of the overall price that the claimant charged to his customer. The service tax treatment for such recovery of expenses will generally follow the taxability of the primary service.


Other types of cost recoveries i.e. out-of-pocket expenses (OPE)

Where not specifically stated in a contract, OPE are generally considered taxable services as they form part and parcel of the taxable services provided. However, OPE which are charged separately would not be a taxable service provided by the claimant to his customer if all the conditions below are fulfilled: -

  • It is stated in the contract that the customer will bear the OPE costs;
  • It is paid on a back-to-back basis (without any mark-up); and
  • The claimant provides the supporting documents when making the claim from the customer.