In line with RSM World Day 2018’s theme “Putting Our People First”, RSM Malaysia had arranged a series of staff engagement activities and events in the month of September focusing on empowering and developing its “PEOPLE”. Dato’ Robert Teo, Chairman and Managing Partner of RSM Malaysia, in his launch message during the finale celebration of RSM World Day 2018 said that RSM Malaysia values each and every one of its staff as part of a big family.

He emphasized that he wants to create a happy and fun environment where staff can share ideas, connect, communicate and collaborate more effectively. Dato’ Robert Teo further shared that the activities held by RSM Malaysia to celebrate the worldwide RSM World Day 2018 were aimed at:

  • “Developing Our People” and “Connecting Our People” through team building activities, lunch and dinner gatherings and offsite retreat.
  • “Promote healthy lifestyle among Our People” where fun runs, games competitions such as bowling, pool and badminton were organized as platforms to create awareness and motivation for a healthy lifestyle •
  • “Caring for Our People” - Health checks and a health talk was conducted by Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur CVSKL at our office to instill a sense of mindfulness among our People on their health and diet. 
  • Encouraging “Our People to give back to the society”, where funds were collected via a charity drive and channeled to homes of children with various disabilities. 
  • “Fun for Our People” is how we want Our People to experience at the finale of RSM Malaysia’s RSM World Day 2018 celebration. Carnival Games and lots of exciting activities including lucky dip and lucky draws were also held with everyone having a great time capturing fun ‘wefies’.



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