We have entered a new and transformative business age, characterised by digital-first, data-driven technological products and services, new approaches to working, and a clear focus on sustainability and purpose-driven action.

The past decade heralded unprecedented levels of change, impacting both businesses and society, and the year 2022 was no exception. However, through these periods of accelerated change, opportunities for strong growth and resilience emerge.  

RSM is proud to report 15 percent growth in 2022 with global revenues of $8bn, marking a fee income leap of over 40 per cent in three years. This success would not have been possible without the commitment of the RSM professionals across 120 countries who deliver innovative solutions, lasting value and confidence to businesses around the world each and every day.

A message from Jean Stephens, RSM International CEO

In this video, RSM International CEO, Jean Stephens, shares the key drivers behind RSM’s 2022 global growth of 15% and outlines RSM’s Strategy for the next stage of evolution for RSM.

Global highlights

RSM announces $8bn in global revenues as springboard for transformative 2030 Strategy

"At RSM, our purpose is to instill confidence in a world of change. Our rapid growth is the result of our professionals supporting clients in over 120 countries to unlock value despite operating in an environment of unprecedented change and unpredictability."

Jean M. Stephens 
RSM International

Service line growth

Fast facts

830 offices

57,000 people globally

120 countries

Regional highlights

- Fee income rose fastest in Latin America at 26%+

- Member Firms in Asia Pacific recorded 19%+ growth  

- 17% growth was recorded by RSM across Europe  

- In North America RSM recorded growth of 14%

- RSM’s revenues in the Middle East and North Africa grew by 17%, and the rest of Africa by 10% 

* Revenue growth percentage calculated using constant currency conversions

2030 Global Strategy marks new era for RSM

RSM’s 2030 Global Strategy outlines a major multi-year growth and transformation programme that targets 100% growth in revenue by 2030. 

Through the Strategy, RSM will make increasing use of global, digital delivery models, enhanced insight generation and wider use of automation, big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence to support businesses through change. We will continue to drive service quality and promote responsible business practice whilst constantly enhancing agility and innovation.

Our ongoing investment in talent and people development is significant, with inclusive teams, culture, governance and processes actively aligning across borders to empower both clients and RSM people to achieve their ambitions.