The Malaysian Business Reporting System (MBRS) refers to the submission platform based on the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) format adopted by Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM)/Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM).

XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is an XML-based computer software language that is developed specifically for automation of business information requirements. XBRL labels companies' financial and other data with codes from standard lists (taxonomies) so that the relevant stakeholders can locate and analyze required information.

More than 60 developed countries have adopted the XBRL platform.

SSM Taxonomy (SSMxT)

A dictionary of financial and non-financial reporting element of AR, FS and EAs embedded in the MBRS Preparation Tool (mTool).


MBRS Preparation Tool (mTool)

A preparation tool that allow companies to prepare and generate AR, FS and EA in XBRL format.


MBRS Portal (mPortal)

A submission platform to lodge XBRL file for AR, FS and EA to SSM.

MBRS shall be used annual submission of:

  • Annual Return (AR);
  • Financial Statements and Reports (FS); and
  • Exemption Applications (EA) which are related to the FS and AR applications

All companies incorporated in Malaysia are required to digitally submit their annual statutory Financial Statements in XBRL format to SSM.

Banking, financing and insurance companies regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia are exempted from filing a full set of Financial Statements through MBRS.

Foreign companies (FC) that are registered under Company Act 2016 will have following options of filing their financial statements with SSM. (See diagram below)

The scope of the above submissions is explained as follows:

Incorporation statusScope of MBRS Annual Return("AR") filing
Incorporated in
YesAnnual Return - 
AR1, AR2, AR4
Exempt Application
EA 7, EA8
No and registered as
Foreign Company under Companies Act,
Annual Return - AR3Exempt Application - EA7, EA8
Relevant Annual Return and Exempt Applications types:
AR1Annual return for companies having a share capital
AR2 Annual return for companies not having a share capital
AR3Annual return for foreign companies
AR4 Annual return for unchanged particulars
EA7Application for extension of time to lodge annual return
EA8Application to Minister (with relation to Financial Statements and Reports or Annual Returns)
Types of CompanyTypes of Financial Statement ("FS") filing 
A company other than banking, financing and insurance company regulated  under Bank Negara MalaysiaFS 1. FS - MFRS
 2. FS - MPERS
 3. FS - EPC
 4. FS - CLBG
EA 1.  EA1
 2. EA2
 3. EA4A
 4. EA4B
 5. EA5A
 6. EA5B
 7. EA6
 8. EA8
 3. KFI - CLBG 
   * EA2 approved
A company registered as a foreign company under Companies Act, 2016
  1) FS prepared using Malaysia Financial Reporting Standards 
  2) FS of foreign company (EA 3 approved)

  3) Key Financial Indicators ("KFI") of foreign company (EA 2 approved)
A banking, financing and insurance company regulated under Bank Negara Malaysia
  Submissionis done via submission of hard copies over the counter
  - MBRS is not applicable
MFRSMalaysian Financial Reporting Standards Taxonomy
MPERSMalaysian Private Entity Reporting Standards (MPER) Taxonomy
EPCExempt Private Company
CLBGCompany Limited By Guarantee
Relevant Exempt Applications types:
EA1Application for exemption from coinciding foreign subsidiary financial year end with holding company
EA2Application for exemption from filing financial statement in full  XBRL format
EA3Application to waive lodgment of financial statement by foreign company
EA4AApplication for relief from requirements as to form and contents of directors' report
EA48Application for relief from requirements as to form and contents of financial statements
EA5AApplication for extension of time for circulation of financial statements and reports
EA5BApplication for extension of time to lodge financial statements and reports
EA6Application for extension of time for holding annual general meeting

What needs to be done?

  1. Create the MBRS template
  2. Complete the scoping questions
  3. Complete the MBRS template by extracting the relevant data from audited financial statements and map to the appropriate cells in the template
  4. Execute validation check and rectify errors
  5. Generate XBRL/MBRS upload file
  6. Upload the XBRL/MBRS file to Company Commission of Malaysia’s portal (mPortal)

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