We seek to assist the Audit Committee in discharging their oversight function by providing them with independent, objective and reasonable assurance on the adequacy and integrity of the organisation’s internal control systems.

In carrying out the activity, we adopt a risk-based approach which allows us to prioritise our audit on functions or processes that are of the highest concerns and significant impact to the company in the event of control failures.

Core to these risk-based advisory solutions is an understanding of the risk profile of organisations and assessing where internal audit work can add most value:

  • enhancing your management effectiveness by identifying improvement opportunities and turning them into business advantages; and 
  • raising corporate governance standards by improving on current practices.

Our internal audit and risk management services include:

  • Process improvements and control enhancements
  • Internal audit outsourcing and co-sourcing 
  • Special operational review
  • Establishment of internal audit function
  • Control self-assessment

Contact us

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How can we help?
Audit & Assurance
Risk Advisory
Transaction Advisory
Insolvency & Restructuring
IT Consulting & Services