More than 190 RSM delegates complete RSM Academy in its 17th year.
Global people development programme supports future leaders across 55 countries.
RSM Academy reinforces RSM’s global commitment to building strong people relationships.

RSM, the leading global assurance, tax and consulting services provider to middle market businesses, invests in the next generation of network leaders in its latest RSM Academy programme.

196 Future leaders from across 55 RSM Member Firms around the world, collaborated in this year’s RSM Academy.

The RSM Academy programme is designed to empower delegates with the knowledge and skills they need to lead international engagements while providing seamless and high quality services to the global middle market.

This year’s delegates began the course by attending a month of engaging globally focused courses including relationship building and developing cultural intelligence and awareness.

Taking knowledge acquired from these sessions, delegates were then divided into their four respective regions; Europe and North America (East Coast), Africa and MENA, Asia Pacific and Central Asia, Latin and North America (West Coast).

Teams created within each of the four regions competed against each other in a simulated client tender, working as cross-border and cross-functional teams. Based on a scenario company and case study, through carefully researching the faux-client, the teams’ respective aims were to understand the client context, its organisational and key person needs, and then pitch a proof of credentials.

Through early pitching rounds, dozens of teams were whittled down to the final four teams, one from each region, who pitched to a globally comprised board.

The Asia Pacific team, represented by Rebecca Barnes, Cath Cipro (RSM Australia1), Harry Mulyadi (RSM Indonesia), Kenji Suzuki (RSM Japan3), My Truong (RSM Vietnam4) produced the winning pitch, beating off strong competition from a team represented by Latin America and North America.

E.J. Nedder, Chief Executive Officer, at RSM International, said:
“With the needs and ambition of our clients evolving at pace, our organisation’s approach to upskilling, supporting and developing our people is central to us reaching our own 2030 goals and ambition.  

“Our RSM Academy delegates, and the wider RSM family, are critical in driving our organisation towards our vision to be known globally for delivering innovative solutions, lasting value and confidence.”  

“This year’s delegates have demonstrated they are our leaders of the future, possessing curiosity, a collaborative spirit and critical thinking skills to support clients in an ever-changing global business landscape.”

Dr Robert Coles, Chief Culture and Transformation Officer, at RSM International, said:
“RSM Academy is an integral component of our training and development offering globally.

“Key to providing outstanding levels of client service is to understand what it means to be part of our global organisation. Our delegates have an innate ability to appreciate the wide-ranging cultures and experiences of their RSM colleagues.

“Taking learnings from RSM Academy, our rising talent also understands how to combine this cultural appreciation into dynamic cross-function and cross-border teams which are greater than the sum of their parts.  

Rebecca Barnes, National Grants Manager, at RSM Australia, said:
“What a great experience! I’m now confident in navigating RSM’s global family and can speak with conviction to clients about the depth of experience that we carry.

"The requirement for cross-cultural teamwork was a powerful element of RSM Academy.

"I have a deep respect for each of my team members and their ability to draw out the best in each other across language and logistics constraints. I’m sure that their commitment to each other was key to our success.”

1  RSM Australia Pty Ltd
2 Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto, Mawar & Rekan, Registered Public Accountants and PT RSM Indonesia Konsultan
3  RSM Japan Tax Co.
4 RSM Vietnam Auditing and Consulting Co., Ltd