Kylee Dale
HR Manager

Kylee Dale is the HR Consultant for RSM New Zealand. She has more than 15 years’ HR generalist experience, as well as prior specialist recruitment experience. She has extensive experience working within professional service organisations including accounting, engineering, project management and law.
Kylee enjoys working alongside partners and team members to achieve alignment between business strategy and implement practical business initiatives that support the success of our people. She blends commercial acumen with HR practice to lead change initiatives and deliver the overall results. She enjoys providing coaching to develop effective leadership, building relationships/employee engagement, learning and development, recruitment, recognition and retention.
Outside of work, Kylee is learning life lessons in our changing world from her teenage sons, volunteers at the community garden and has a passion for ‘edible gardening’ as well as spending time with friends and family.
Kylee’s approach in life is to attribute good intentions and bring a positive outlook. A belief that has stood her in good stead to date is ‘when you commit yourself, providence moves and opportunities become available that previously did not exist’ (with inspiration taken from quotes by William Hutchison Murray and Wolfgang Geothe).