The term 'multinational' isn't just for large corporations anymore. Many different-sized companies are going global in a big way and the tax implications are serious.

The ability of a company to profit from a worldwide market is often limited by the ever-increasing complexity of domestic and international tax rules. This reason alone means it's important you rely on a firm that can help you understand how your business and cross-border transactions will be affected by these tax laws.

.We offer international tax solutions to Australian businesses currently operating overseas or considering expanding their operations beyond Australia's borders, and to foreign companies wishing to enter the local market.

Our International Tax Services

At RSM, we have an integrated national and international network of transfer pricing specialists who can assist taxpayers in meeting their specific and unique transfer pricing requirements. Our expertise covers both industry specific and transaction based transfer pricing issues.

RSM have been participating in the OECD discussion on BEPS through presentations to the OECD and submissions to the ongoing debate.


Contact us by phone 0800 774 623 or submit your questions, comments, or proposal requests.