Runa Lauritsen


Runa is Associate in RSM Advokatfirma AS (law firm), which is affiliated with the audit and advisory firm RSM Norge AS and serves both as a legal department for the audit firm and as an independent law firm, focusing mainly on tax, VAT, company law/structuring, real estate, construction and building, and transactions.

Runa finished her Master’s in Law in the Spring of 2023 from the University in Bergen. During her law studies, she specialized in corporate law by doing her master’s thesis at the research program of the law faculty. The subject for the master’s thesis was convertible loans as a source of financing, with a particular focus on technological startups structured as limited liability companies.

Through law school, Runa worked as team leader for 1st and 2nd grade students, and as a scientific assistant in the research group for Law of Property and Obligations.