Audit and assurance
As audit specialists, we focus on giving our clients a positive experience and on performing our duty as society's representative when expressing our opinion about accounts. We deliver an unrivalled service by understanding our clients’ businesses and needs, by cooperating closely with them, proposing solutions and offering proactive audit and assurance advice.
Our clients can rely on us to be there for them, to be accessible, and answer their questions and discuss alternative options when it comes to all their auditing requirements.
If you choose RSM Norway for your audit and assurance services, you get a dedicated team that will provide you with effective auditing and sound advice. We will provide you with an audit team with experience in and knowledge of your industry and your needs, while we will be proactive and ensure that you be alerted to new developments that may affect you and your business.
We will help you meet your deadlines and, if you contact us with a question, we will give you a fast and qualified response. As our client, you can expect us to be available when you need us and to deliver audit services in a way that delivers an end result with a minimum of fuss. Our style of communication will be open and informal, and we will discuss challenges and solutions calmly and confidently.
Our services are provided primarily by a core team of audit specialists that cooperates closely with our specialists in direct and indirect taxation, company law, IT, transcation support and risk management. Our advice is based on the knowledge we gain about your business after performing our audit.
RSM can assist you with:
Vi leverer et komplett spekter av revisjons- og attestasjonstjenester:
- Ordinær revisjon av årsregnskaper og mellombalanser
- Forenklet revisjon av regnskaper
- Bransjespesifikke attestasjoner
- Attestasjoner etter selskapslovgivningen
- Attestasjoner til ligningsmyndigheter og andre offentlige instanser
- Avtalte kontrollhandlingerInternrevisjon og forvaltningsrevisjon
- IT-revisjon
- Borevisjon
Våre revisorer vil bistå med å koordinere øvrig rådgivning vi tilbyr. Slik vi er organisert, kan vi på kort tid trekke på spesialkompetanse innenfor ulike fagområder, og dette kan gjelde:
- Utarbeidelse av aksjonærregisteroppgaver, ligningspapirer og årsregnskap
- Skattebistand
- SkatteFUNN
- Avgiftsbistand
- Omorganiseringer
- Selskapsrett
- Regnskapsbistand, herunder IFRS
- Due diligence
- Verdivurderinger
- Bistand med private skattemeldinger
As a client of RSM, you can expect your auditor to;
- Understand your business and your needs
- Be proactive and protects your interests
- Be accessible when needed
- Contribute to good, open and informal communication as well as formal communication when required
- Focus on finding solutions
- Effectively deliver auditing and advisory services
Updated rates and fees

See the overview of updated rates and fees here.
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