As an astute businessman, you want to minimise your tax exposures globally, and ensure that all possible incentives and treaty benefits are obtained. If you are in the e-commerce space, you need to also consider when your goods may attract indirect taxes, especially Goods & Services or value-added taxes. Further, you also want to ensure that your transactions with related parties are conducted at arm’s length, in accordance with international transfer pricing guidelines.

Our multidisciplinary experts in corporate tax, international tax planning and transfer pricing can help in:

  • Tax planning for cross-border investments and transactions, including considerations on the OECD's proposals regarding Base Erosion and Profit Shifting ("BEPS")
  • Transfer pricing advisory and documentation
  • Tax planning for expatriates
  • Efficient structuring of employment packages
  • Asset protection planning and estate planning
  • Corporate tax advice and compliance
Partner & Head of Tax
Partner & Head of Goods & Services Tax

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