
Pain Point: Reactive pricing strategy and unsure of competitors, Solutions: Artificial intelligence that identifies key differentiating factors and competitors, Result/ Benefits: Novel data driven insights to augment the knowledge of experienced hoteliers.

Pain points

Our client operates a small hotel in Singapore. Due to the competitive nature of the industry, our client frequently benchmarks their prices against key competitors’.

In addition to the inability to maintain or improve its room rates, our client was also unconvinced that they were benchmarking against the correct list of competitors.


We deployed advanced statistical analyses and artificial intelligence techniques to look into data from our client and public sources.

We determined the optimal pricing strategy based on the characteristics of our client’s hotel and further identified potential rebranding opportunities. Using AI, we also managed to shortlist a few hotels that were likely to be true competitors.


This work demonstrated that untapped potential of using data and artificial intelligence can derive powerful insights that even experienced hoteliers might not be aware of.

With the newly acquired insights, our client can now have a deeper understanding of their business as well as to make better business decisions, for example, improving their pricing strategies and enhancing long-term branding.



Our Data Science team, comprising a group of specialists with multi-disciplinary skills, helps our clients make better strategic and operational decisions by turning data into actionable insights.

For more information, contact:

Adrian Tan  
Partner & Industry Lead, Technology, Media & Telecommunications  
T: +65 6594 7876  
[email protected]