Digitalisation is driving the Charity sector forward in a huge way. When done right, digitalisation can help Charities to streamline processes, improve service delivery to beneficiaries, increase social impact, and more. However, the digitalisation journey of charities is often hampered by poor planning, the misconceptions about technology, and the challenges of change.

Eileen Tan, Head, IT Services of RSM lead a workshop for the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) members that took place on 20 April 2022.

The 3Ps to ensure project success 

Eileen kicked off the session by highlighting what it takes to build good project team and shared how Charities should integrate People, Platform and Processes for a well-rounded digitalisation project plan. She then went on to share about the available government support and schemes that Charities can tap on to defray their digitalisation costs.


Helping Charities put the 3Ps into an action plan 

During the breakout session, participants from different charities were given different business scenarios and were asked to craft out a digital plan that includes:

  • Clearly defined project team roles and responsibilities for accountability;
  • Technologies that balance functionality, security, data accessibility, and compliance; and
  • SOPs to guide users and to support data integrity and workflow automation for greater efficiency.  

Incorporating real world challenges like ransomware, the heavily reliance on manual pen and paper processes, and manpower and budget constraints into the practical case studies, participants had to brainstorm ideas on how best to tackle these issues to maximise their digitalisation outcomes.     

At the end of the interactive and engaging sharing session, not only did participants from different charities gain much insight from each other, they also realised that they are not alone on their transformation journeys.

In conclusion 

Be careful not to simply jump on any new technology fad or trend. Take time to determine which processes are the most important to digitalise first. The platform you pick should fit your organisational culture, existing workflows and budget. And importantly make it about your users!

Need support to go digital? Do consult our specialists to find out how our team can walk this digital transformation journey with you.

Eileen Tan   
T +65 6594 7889   
[email protected]

Uthaya C Ponnusamy
Partner & Industry Lead, Not-for-Profit Practice
T +65 6715 1378
[email protected]