Lim Pei Lien
Partner & Industry Lead - Technology, Media & Telecommunications Practice

Pei Lien heads the Firm’s Technology, Media & Telecommunications (TMT) Practice, delivering audit and assurance services to a diverse clientele, including publicly listed companies, private enterprises, and multinational organisations.

She began her career with a Big 4 firm in Singapore, where she accumulated over eight years of experience providing assurance services. Prior to joining the Firm, she spent five years with a multinational shipping company, where she was responsible for leading and coordinating the group's financial and reporting processes.



  • Registered Public Accountant, Singapore
  • Practising Member, Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA)
  • Member, Institute of Chartered Accountants, England & Wales (ICAEW)
  • Member, Certified Practising Accountants, Australia (CPA Australia)
  • Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance), University of Melbourne, Australia