Yeow Thuan Wee
Partner & Deputy Industry Lead - Logistics & Transportation Practice
Thuan Wee currently serves as the deputy leader of the Firm's Logistics & Transportation Practice, which focuses on serving the needs of companies in this sector. He also provides support for the ASEAN Desk at the Firm, which aims to demystify challenges, highlight obstacles as well as give businesses the clarity needed to identify opportunities and crystalise their expansion strategies in the region.
Thuan Wee also has a wide range of experience working with start-ups and large, multinational corporations across a variety of sectors, from semiconductors and IT to consumer and industrial goods and services. This involves having a wide range of experience with streamlining clients' audit strategies for increased cost effectiveness and assisting them in creating and putting in place sound financial controls.
He leads integrated audits for a wide range of clients, including private limited corporations, limited liability partnerships, MNCs with headquarters in either Singapore or the US, and international companies with branch offices in Singapore. Thuan Wee also manages IPO engagements for Singapore Exchange listings and actively engages in international corporate finance transactions.
Thuan Wee worked for 15 years at a Big 4 accounting firm in Singapore before joining the Firm.
- Registered Public Accountant, Singapore
- Practising Member, Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA)
- Bachelor of Accountancy (honours), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore