We offer professional services in transfer pricing for each step of the growth of your business. 

Our services include:


  • Advice, supervision and preparation of transfer pricing documentation (Masterfile and Localfile) in compliance with Spanish and foreign tax regulations.
  • Assistance in regards to tax inspections.
  • Advice and assistance in the preparation of Prior Valuation Agreements, and Mutual Agreement Procedures or Arbitration Agreements to avoid double taxation.
  • Transfer pricing risk analysis: due diligence.
  • Business restructuring and reordering of the value chain to optimize business and tax benefits.
  • Intragroup services defense file.
  • Analysis of a permanent establishment’s risk situation.
  • Preparation of distribution, manufacturing, services and fees contracts, among others, that accredit and justify related operations.
  • Analysis and support of situations of continuous losses (10 years).
  • Completion of models 232 and 231.
  • Tax planning and optimization.
  • Analysis of operations between the Business owner and Company.


The Transfer Pricing Department RSM Spain analyzes and studies the specific situation of each client in order to provide a customized service accompanying them from the risk analysis and identification stage, to the elaboration phase of the required regulatory documentation in a coordinated manner with those responsible of the company.

Through this form we will process your data in order to manage the queries you send us.

The data controller is RSM Spain and its group companies. We process your data, in each case, to send you information that you request, to send you our newsletter, to manage our obligation to have an external information channel, to manage your applications and to invite you to events when you ask us to, as appropriate. We will only disclose your data to public authorities and organisations where we are legally obliged to do so. You have the right to access, rectify, erase, oppose, limit the processing of your data, request portability and not be subject to automated decisions, including profiling. If you have any questions, please contact our Data Protection Officer at [email protected].