Gareth Hughes

Job title
Managing Director
Office Location
Gareth has been the Managing Director of the RSM Thailand Group since 2002 and in addition to overseeing the overall administrative operations he heads up the corporate advisory and restructuring division. Gareth has specialist Corporate Restructuring and Audit experience in professional practices and the Banking industry in United Kingdom, Australia and Thailand.
Gareth’s experience spent in the industry and three jurisdictions has provided him with a thorough knowledge of various sectors comprising:-
- Internal & External Auditing;
- Financial due diligence;
- Corporate Advisory, Insolvency & Restructuring; and,
- Practice Management.
Significant projects
- Management of various assignments in insolvency industry encompassing construction, manufacturing, viticulture, retail & service industries
- Involved in various high profile corporate restructuring projects including a portfolio of non-performing loans at Bangkok Bank, Thailand’s largest private bank in addition to advising creditors on restructure of Thailand’s largest construction company
- Whilst employed at the New South Wales Auditor General’s Department, managed the audits of the New South Wales Auditor General’s Department, NSW Land Title’s Office and NSW Valuer General’s Department
- Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
- Member Thai Association of Restructuring Advisors
- Bachelors of Science in Economics (Honours) – Business Administration & Accounting
- Australian Chartered Accountant (CA)