Imtinan Dahman
Partner - Consulting/Accounting

Imtinan, a Magna Cum Laude graduate from the Business and Administration Faculty of Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in Business Administration majoring in Accountancy. She was on the Dean's list throughout her academic years. After graduation she worked as a trainee accountant in Ernst & Young, in Kuwait for six months and later attended for another six months the certified public accountant training course held by the company in Amman, Jordan.
As Partner responsible for technical training, she is very conversant with the (IAS) issued by the International Standards Board and the (ISA) issued by IFAC, having translated and edited some of the above into Arabic. She is also responsible for ensuring that our firm complies with RSM Audit Approach and Procedures.
Imtinan joined RSM Dahman (previously known as Dahman & Co.) in August 1997 and since that date she was assigned various accounting, auditing and consulting jobs. She has been managing the firm's accounts and the firm's accounting packages and is also familiar with a number of off the shelf accounting packages. From October 2000 until September 2001 Imtinan has worked as an outsource accountant for an Investment Company in which she set up the chart of accounts including those for derivatives.
In addition to her office duties, she is responsible for ensuring that all documents issued by our firm such as financial statements, management letters, internal audit reports are to a high standard in quality and content. Some of these audit reports included the design of chart of accounts and stock control policies and procedures. As an auditor Imtinan audited various types of companies and as part of her responsibilities had prepared audit planning memorandums, audit programs, and carried out field audits. She has also developed and implemented an excel audit file.
In the management consultancy and training fields, she took part in the preparation of organization charts, personnel policies and procedures, and the preparation of the material for training courses. Imtinan has recently developed a training course on the "Time Value of Money" for the Central Bank of Yemen and the Ministry of Finance in Yemen, which has been delivered to the satisfaction of the agencies and attended by more than 80 participants. As a result of the excellent quality of the course, our firm has been requested to develop a course on the Government loan and the management of the various debt agreements. Imtinan is developing this course.