As one of the world’s leading assurance, tax, and consulting organisations, we recognise the important role we must play in inspiring change. We acknowledge that culture, diversity, and inclusion are ongoing journeys.
At RSM, we believe that diversity and inclusion are most meaningful when every Member Firm can engage with their employees, clients, and community in a manner that is most appropriate to their local environment. At RSM, we have a corporate culture that embraces local differences while still creating a unique experience for RSM employees around the world.
We continually strive to drive positive change as a global organisation which values our people through a variety of initiatives designed around progress. While we celebrate our differences, we are united by the strength of our values demonstrated by our behaviours, which is part of the RSM DNA. And, in an increasingly digital world, it is the strength of our humanity that drives meaningful change.
Five ways leaders can inspire inclusion in the workplace

"By fostering a culture of celebration and inclusion, organisations can unlock more paths to innovation and creativity through leveraging diversity of thought and experience."
Candice Eaton Gaul
Global Leader – Diversity and Inclusion
RSM International
D & I through the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs)
Globally, we proudly participate in the UN Global Compact. In addition to our partnership with UN Global Compact, as part of our 2030 global strategy we have aligned ourselves with five of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and believe that they are foundational to globally aligned projects and initiatives; and in harmony with our diversity and inclusion initiatives.
The following global initiatives represent deliberate actions taken to make meaningful progress in three of the aforementioned Sustainable Development Goals.
Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing
Employee mental wellness has been a strategic priority for diversity and inclusion at RSM for some time. Consequently, numerous initiatives have aimed at increasing awareness about mental health and wellbeing and destigmatising conversations in this critical area.
Goal 4: Quality Education
Internally, our people have access to a wide variety of training courses and professional development materials. These courses serve to advance the five identified Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, regular webinars and events are held to encourage understanding and personal development. To boost meaningful progress in this area, RSM World Day of 2023 had the theme “Knowledge is Power” and RSM Member Firms around the world used this opportunity to make a difference to education in their communities.
Goal 5: Gender Equality
Many RSM Member Firms have committed to the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles as a key driver of gender equality. The RSM Women in Leadership Summit, held multiple times a year, has been successful in providing role models and showcasing RSM women in different leadership positions across the world.