Travis Kukura
Director - Perth

Travis is a Director in the Restructuring and Recovery division of the Perth office.

A Liquidator with 20 years’ experience in the corporate and personal insolvency industry, Travis has provided extensive advice to directors, corporations and individuals facing financial hardship and has worked on a numerous formal insolvency appointments. Travis has significant exposure to industry sectors including transport, child care, telecommunications and property development.

Mobile Service Locations:
Albany, Broome, Esperance, Fremantle, Geraldton, Karratha, Mandurah, Northam, Perth, and Rockingham.


  • Corporate insolvency services, including the trade-on and sale of businesses
  • Personal insolvency services, including bankruptcy appointments and personal insolvency agreements
  • Financial investigations


  • Trade-on and sale of a regional caravan park through a court-appointed receivership of a partnership dispute. Significant returns were made to the partners and the partnership was dissolved.
  • Trade-on and sale of a hotel/motel pursuant to a receivership. Trading results of the hotel were improved before it was sold to a local family who have great plans for the future of the hotel. 
  • Travis had control of the liquidation of a company that operated eight childcare centres. Travis facilitated the sale of each centre to approved licensees, which ensured the continual care of hundreds of children and kept staff of 100 in employment.
  • Voluntary administration of an internet and email provider to customers throughout the Perth metropolitan area and regional Western Australia. To meet the demands of customers throughout Western Australia, Travis facilitated the sale of the various parts of the business.
  • A personal insolvency agreement for a debtor who had a significant debt owed to the Australian Taxation Office but who disputed the extent of the taxation debts. After Travis undertook significant investigations, the debt to the Australian Taxation Office was able to be reduced by approximately $250,000 and the debtor was able to pay 100 cents in the dollar to creditors.
  • Restructuring and Insolvency Services in Perth


  • Member, Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand
  • Member, Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association


  • Bachelor of Commerce (UWA)
  • Registered Liquidator