Ian MacPherson
Director - Sydney
Director - Sydney
With over 20 years’ experience as a chartered accountant, Ian’s focus is on taxation law and corporate law.
In addition to being the firm’s foremost authority on Australian Taxation Office practices, rulings and case law decisions, Ian also offers a wealth of industry specialist expertise, particular in the building and construction industry, registered clubs and societies, educational and religious institutions and other tax exempt organisations.
In today’s business world, where advice cannot live in isolation but is part of a complex legal and accounting framework, Ian has the necessary skills and industry experience to provide real solutions to complex problems.
Ian provides taxation consulting and compliance services in the following areas:
- GST compliance reviews, margin scheme advice and calculations, and advice for property developers and property owners
- Technical tax advice on a range of issues including, income tax, taxation of registered clubs and societies, and capital gains tax matters
- Tax due diligence reviews including internal audit risk reviews of payroll tax, FBT and GST policies and procedures of public sector entities
- Payroll matters, including salary packaging and advice on employment taxes
- Tax Services in Sydney
- A GST and margin scheme project involving a Melbourne landmark property development
- Implementation and preparation of salary packaging and FBT policies for an iconic Sydney club including salary package reviews of all executive staff
- Leading tax investigator in relation to a NSW Government appointment concerning the investigation of the affairs of the NSW peak representative body in Aboriginal Affairs
- Co-author of COAAAP Course Materials – (COAAAP is the Australian Taxation Office 'Field Officer Advance Audit & Accounting Program' run by the University of New South Wales)
- Member, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
- Fellow, The Tax Institute
- Taxation Discussion Group No. 7 (TIA)
- Bachelor of Economics, University of Sydney
- Advance Tax, Taxation Institute of Australia
- Masters of Taxation, University of Sydney

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